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What if clinical trials could be revolutionized?

Faster cures. Lower costs. Wider access.

Enter Trially and its co-founder, Kyle McAllister. Their AI platform is injecting a shot of innovation, slashing costs, and dramatically increasing qualified patients.

Dive into this exclusive Q&A and discover the future of clinical trials and how Trially is accelerating breakthroughs in healthcare.

What is your background, and how did Trially get started?

I’ve spent my entire career working directly with providers in healthcare IT, from Epic to Aetna to Cerner. I’ve consulted for many large health systems and life science companies like Ochsner, the University of Texas, UVA, Abbott, and Novartis. What is the common thread across those engagements? Using data from Electronic Health Records (EHR) to make things better. That led me to Cognitive Clinical Trials Research (CCT), a research network that did a great job helping doctors run trials out of their own offices. Still, they struggled to utilize the physicians’ Electronic Health Records (EHR), which contain detailed information about their patient’s health, to find the best people for those trials. Instead, the entire industry relies entirely on generic social media ads, which blew my mind! So, I stepped in and cobbled up a solution to get that EHR data, and we skyrocketed the number of people they had access to for trial recruitment.

That strategy became a critical part of the enrollment process at CCT. About a year after leaving CCT, my co-founders, Trevor Welch and Ramon Prieto (who knew what I was up to at CCT), approached me and said, ‘We think there is a much more innovative way to build what you needed at CCT.’

These guys are tech wizards with experience building AI solutions across several impressive Silicon Valley tech companies who wanted to use that expertise to tackle healthcare problems. Given my deep experience in healthcare IT, it was a perfect match.

What do you hope to achieve?

Clinical trial recruitment has been a critical bottleneck in pharmaceutical development for decades. Until now, the best solution has been advertising on traditional and social media, which works to some extent but doesn’t entirely fix the issue. Our solution addresses this challenge by leveraging artificial intelligence to analyze vast datasets within clinical EHRs. This enables us to efficiently identify patients who meet specific trial criteria, essentially matching the right patients to the right trials. We then help those sites engage with potential candidates in the most effective means for that individual.

Doctors can focus on their patients, enrolling qualified people already in their network. Patients get access to potentially life-saving treatments they might not have known about—no more wasted resources on trials that can’t find the right patient fit.

The impact extends beyond streamlining processes. Increased efficiency in recruitment translates to faster development timelines and potentially lower costs for new drugs. More importantly, it brings life-saving medications to more patients faster.

What is it like to start a company in Kansas City?

Kansas City’s startup scene is incredibly supportive. We’re fortunate to have organizations like Digital Sandbox and Digital Health KC, along with incredible investors, all cheering for KC-founded companies to succeed.

Being here has led to exciting partnerships, like the one with Hart. We knew them from consulting days, and when they recently moved to KC, we connected immediately. Their expertise in EHR data connections and vast customer base align with our product. This kind of collaboration feels almost preordained, thanks to the KC connection.

While I’m proud to be a Kansas City company representing this vibrant community, I’m also realistic about the challenges.  KC founders must be prepared to hustle harder, network more aggressively, and travel further to overcome biases about Midwestern companies. That just makes us scrappier and stronger, right?

How has the digital health ecosystem in our community shown up for you?

Kansas City’s digital health scene has been a game-changer for our growth. From funding via Digital Sandbox to expert mentorship from Digital Health KC’s Dick Flanigan and Maria Flynn, the community support is incredible. Investors who aren’t directly involved in our company have gone out of their way to make introductions or lend advice – shout out to Liam Reilly!

Fellow HealthTech founders provide camaraderie and support while clinical trial leaders share their expertise. The Small Business Development Center goes above and beyond with classes, writeups, and networking events.

But the real magic lies in the genuine community spirit. People freely share knowledge, connect you with valuable contacts, and offer unwavering support. This collaborative environment fosters a “we all win” mentality, a massive advantage for everyone, including Trially.